Wednesday, September 21, 2005

In Between Times

While I have been in California the past 2 weeks I have had tons of appointments with supporters and Ive gotten to catch up with a lot of old friends. But the "In between times" have been extra special. Between meetings and appointments and other varied activities I have gotten some delightful time with Jesus.

There is so much time spent driving places or sitting and waiting for the next event that I have started to fill it all with talking to Jesus or reading his word. I feel sooo refreshed its wonderful.

I'll leave you with one tidbit I've been contemplating today. Jesus is called master. And often the way we understand that is "owner" or "boss". He is that. BUT there is more to the word master than those definitions. He's also the "best" or most experienced. Think Maestro instead of master. What is he the best at? Life!! He was the one who lived life, gave life, was life better than any one who ever was is or will be. He mastered life.

It makes it so much easier to ask him for help when you think "he's the best one to ever live why would I seek advice from anyone else??"

well there is a whole lot more to say about that thought but i dont want to steal any more of the Joy of that discovery from you.



AZ gal said...

Really liked your thoughts on this. Was contemplating them during a retreat this past weekend. But since you are in Livermore, can you get me the email address of the gal who got our old piano? I think they were among your supporters.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jon,
just visited your blog for the first time...its great! Good to hear how you are doing etc...its weird to be on the other side of the globe...and realize I won't see you or Anna or Nick anytime soon, although maybe you'll have to take a "business trip" here some time!! Anyway just thought I'd say "hi" and I hope you have a good fall!