Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey Day Fun

This Thanksgiving was great. Had some of the family in to visit. My brother, two cousins and one friend. We cooked the requisite feast (the fridge is still full of left overs). I realized my family is a bunch of brainiacs when any free time people had they tried to solve my various sized Rubiks cubes. We also hiked some and visited other extended family in the area.

Then on Sunday we went snowboarding. It was my first time back on the mountain in 2 years. And my brothers first time ever. I had an absolute blast! While I dont consider myself to be very good at snowboarding I thoroughly enjoy it. Not sure Nick has the same opinion of it that i do. His day was much more miserable than mine - but then everyones first day boarding is a painful one.

I'll post some pictures when one of our Holiday photographers sends me pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what did you do with your camera?