Monday, August 27, 2007

my weekend

This past summer I got a $10 bike at a garage sale. It served me well at the Conference in Ft. Collins. Since returning to Boulder it's lived at my bosses house because I hadn't had a chance to retrieve it. So this weekend was finally the right time and I picked it up Saturday.

On Sunday evening my roommates and I went on an epic bike ride exploring various trails in Boulder. Now I have to clarify for my Boulder friends that it wasn't epic in miles traveled as I know you all ride 50 miles for a warm up, but it was epic in the sense of discovering new and hidden parts of the city.

Finally it was time to head back to the casa. There was one large hill before the mostly flat return to the house. (home was still a few miles away mind you). So we mentally prepared ourselves and began the climb. About 1/2 way up the hill disaster struck. The chain on my bike snapped like a piece of twine.

Now a bike with no chain isn't really a bike at all. Its a giant awkward scooter with a seat. Luckily my two roommates came to my rescue. One pushed me while the other rode ahead to push the cross walk buttons so i wouldn't have to stop and lose my momentum at every street. it was an arduous journey but eventually we make it back safely.

In other news i used my birthday money to buy a new phone. Thank you to all of you who contributed to that cause (parents and grandparents).

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